That's right... I'm making another post since the other one got deleted by the HACKERS.
This time though, I have a backup.
Hello, My name is Ted, Today I will teach you how to record even when your computer is, well, ****.
First, you’ll need some things.
You’ll need:
You obviously need some prepping.
1. Open
Cam Studio.
2. Select
3. Go to
Video Options
4. A pop-up will appear. In this, drag your
Quality to
5. Still in the pop-up, select
Configure set your
Temporal Quality Ratio to
.20 -.50
6. Now select
OK and then
7. Now you must go to
Region, in that drop box, select

8. You are now done the preparation!
1. Open your
linerider track.
2. Open
Cam Studio.
3. Open
Cheat Engine
4. In
Cheat Engine, select the little
computer in the top left corner.
5. A little pop-up will appear, scroll down it and select your linerider program
It might be marked as linerider_beta.exe if you’re on the stand-alone version.
It might be marked as iexplorer.exe or firefox.exe if your online.
6. Then press
7. Next you must check the
Enable Speedhack box.
8. Now type
.5 in the
Speed area.
9. Select
Set Speed.
10. You are now done with Cheat Engine so
minimize it.
11. Now get ready to record. When you are ready you just have to select the little
red circle on
CamStudio and select were you want to record.
12. When you are done recording, select the
blue square to
13. A pop-up will come from
CamStudio with the text
*.avi <- That is were you type the name of your file. After typing the name, select, on the side,
Desktop then press
14. After you see the
Player (a pop-up showing your recorded track) close all your programs.
15. Now go open
Windows Movie Maker
Start > Programs >> Accessories >>> Windows Movie Maker
16. After Windows Movie Maker loads, under the
1. Capture Video section, select
Import Video.
17. Another pop-up will appear. This time select d
esktop and find your recorded video. Select
18. Once that video is loaded,
click and drag it to the bottom of Windows Movie Maker.
19. Under the section
2. Edit Movie, select
View video effects.
20. You will be presented with a bunch of pictures of desktops. Scroll down to the one name
Speed Up, Double, and drag it on to your other clip.
You can drag it once for Just-Below the normal speed.
Or you can drag it twice for Just-Above the normal speed.
21. Under section
3. Finish Movie, select
Save to my computer.
22. Now another pop-up will appear, on the first part, name your file and choose it’s location. Then click:
Next > Next >> *Loading* >>> Finish.
23. You have just finished your movie. You can now post it on Youtube or something.
If you
do not have a
youtube account, simply log in with
username: lineridertracks
password: linerider
Trouble Shooting!
Q: When I try to use the little Computer on Cheat Engine, it gives me an error message. How do I fix this?
A: You probably took Cheat Engine out of it’s original folder. If you did, CE will not function properly. Put it back into it’s folder and start it from there.
Q: I can’t find linerider_beta.exe! Why not?
A: 1. It is not necessarily linerider_beta.exe, it’s whatever your standalone version is named. And if you not using a standalone version, then it’s the name of your browser.
Q: I can’t post my video on youtube because it’s file extention is .MSWMM!
A: This is because your opening a session, not a recording. That’s why we have to select Save to my computer; That’s the one you want!
Q: I can't find Windows Movie Maker!
A: It is probably hidden: Open "
My Documents" then select "
search", "
all files and all folders", in "
all or part of the file name", write "
windows" where it says "
look in", select "
My computer". Click "
SEARCH". Look for windows movie maker. (My friend needed to do this!)